A Look Around the World: 22 June, 2024

This has been an especially active week around the globe. Two major regional conflicts continue with Ukraine remaining temperate for the time being, and Israel moving towards an expansion of operations into Southern Lebanon. On the diplomatic side of the house Russia made great strides in North Korea and Vietnam that will, at the very least, frustrate US plans and actions in the Asia and perhaps in Ukraine as well. In between there are a host of crises and increasing flashpoints that are becoming increasingly active. I’ll post three blurbs today followed by an additional three on Monday if time allows.

Putin’s East Asia Tour– Vladimir Putin’s rare trip North Korea was made with a specific purpose in mind. The Russian strongman was determined to gain greater assistance from North Korea in Russia’s war against Ukraine. Putin came armed with an offer that Kim Jong Un could not refuse: A comprehensive strategic partnership that brings Russia and North Korea closer together than at any point since the Cold War.  The pact will severely undermine and degrade US and efforts to halt the North’s nuclear ambitions . Mutual defense is also a major compartment of the pact, and this raises serious questions for the United States on regional security in East Asia and the Western Pacific. On the heels of Putin’s visit to North Korea, he visited Vietnam and it his stop in Hanoi placed the US on edge, to say the least.

War clouds Looming Over Southern Lebanon– As the hours go by there is increasing trepidation that the Gaza conflict will expand to Southern Lebanon with an Israeli offensive aimed at Hezbollah. The Israeli government’s final decision appears to have been made despite a constant wave of diplomatic efforts to halt what looks to be an imminent northern offensive. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres especially opposes Israeli ground actions against Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. The Biden administration’s attempts at keeping Israel from moving north do not appear to have met success. Hezbollah is a major ally of Iran and the universal worry is that by attacking its enclave, greater escalation of this war is a guarantee. The coming days should provide reliable indications of what Israel’s intentions are with regard to Southern Lebanon.

The Durable CVN-69–  If you read Houthi-backed media, the Yemeni rebels have attacked and sank a US aircraft carrier in the Red Sea recently. The USS Dwight Eisenhower, according to propaganda and poor special effects, has been severely disabled by Houthi anti-ship attacks. The fact is that the carrier has not suffered any damage at the hands of the Houthis and the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is now off station and heading home. Unfortunately, attacks against shipping in the Red Sea continue.

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